I've been a big fan of 4x games since MoO and somehow, never managed to get my head around SEIV until this last week or two. Now I've taken the time to overcome the initial learning curve, I realise what I've been missing and would rate this game above even Master of Orion 2 itself!
The only problem is I've restarted a few times, and I seem to be able to crush any opposition. They occasionally throw a largish fleet at my border, but nothing powerful enough to get past my satellite-infested warp-points. In my most recent game I've also installed a battlestation at each of my empires entry points, and the enemy empires are nowhere near advanced enough to threaten them.
How can the difficulty be increased? You guys have been playing this for years and must be much better at it than me, so how do you deal with it?
I don't want to modify the game too much but I do like the idea of more realism. Do any of the realism mods have a significant impact on difficulty?
I tend to be biased toward research and militarism if this matters at all.
thanks for listening
ps. I'm currently using TDM Modpack