The Problem with Undead
This is not a post telling "how it is", but just some brainstorming thoughts and observations.
Undead are pound for pound better than other troops. They never break, they never fatigue out (or lose effectiveness from fatigue), they are typically stronger and more durable than regular units (or in the case of Longdead, more numerous). Death gems are easier to find than other kinds (Nature gems are some of the rarest, it seems).
What it comes down too are a couple basic points;
-Undead get *bonus* HP and armor just for being undead, compared to similar troops.
-Strengths are supposed to be balanced by undead weaknesses.
And here is the problem; the main Undead Weakness, banishment, only seems to work on weak longdead. Has anyone ever banished a Bane, Bane Lord, Skeletal Archer, ect? Or banished a Prince of Death or Vampire Queen? Magically animated corpses should be more vulnerable to magic imo. Of course there are Undead killing spells, but many of these require Death magic? There is Holy Pyre, but Dust to Dust ect are all in the death paths.
Also think about the effects of adding the "never heals" flag to most Undead units. This to balance their higher durability/armor and morale. I think on paper it would be an improvement, but i'm sure there are other opinions.