Are the Longbowmen actually able to do something unless there's a real horde of them?
I've played the Thuata as a blood fountain, Blood 4, Water 4. Maybe something else 4 as well, or just Blood 6. Order 3 (luck economy doesn't work, sadly, and sidhe need money), Sloth 1, some Growth, Magic 3, Heat 1.
Hire some daoine sidhe to start an expansion. Set them to attack - when they hurl their javelins they behave quite silly. Some of them run too far and get killed one by one, etc.
Research conjuration 3, cast 3 CoW on your home province and set the Hawks to patrol. Blood fountain starts blood hunting, sidhe champions switch to the Blood magic, you need lvl5. As soon as you have it, summon Frost Devil (s). Then research Construction. With construction 4 you can equip the Devil and get a very decent SC, with construction 6 you can equip him even better (blood thorn at the very least). Plus, you can forge some war bows for the sidhe champions. They have great natural precision, and they can cast Aim. Warbow-equipped Sidhe champions with precision 20 can hurt.

Conjuration 6 lets you summon lamia queens, who can help your fountain bloodhunting - you can even start hoarding soul contracts.
I don't really know if it is competitive in MP because I've only played team vs team games. I guess team vs team games are really a different experience. But in single player it works great, and it's fun.