Bummer_Duck said:
Celestial Master to FAEWW? with no Astral
That wouldn't be bad... With a master/slave items and Earth boots, you could at least cast Blade wind. However, I'm not sure how valuable this would be for early expansion. The real issue I have is with SA. I love the concept of diversified mages and early gem income, but if you can't take any provinces you lose badly. I Can't figure out a good way to expand with the national troops SA gets. It was either poorly thought out, or I am doing something wrong. I think SA should have Cheap Crossbowman, or Longbowman.
Okay, I think I can change Tien Chi units around so that one of those shared by both base and S&A will be the cheap crossbow, and S&A loses access to different unit. I can probably do it without affecting Barbarian Kings, but I don't think that would a big problem with a mod anyway.
What about making Master of the Way to S? instead of W?, giving Tien Chi lots of low-Astral fodder to use as Magic Duel bait and as communion slaves, instead?
Now that is a truly good idea!
I have never tried it, but can you give a Crystal Matrix thing to one mage, and cast Communion Slave on the others? Can you mix and match the various communion/slave items and spells? How about the blood variety?
As I understand, all of them work with each other.
I will probably do this or change/give them sorcery random.
Of course, I would change the starting spells too.
Maybe something useful for taking provinces?
I meant the summoning spells. Currently they need Astral, which is the Celestial magic even though no one in Tien Chi seems to be very good in its use.
Besides, before I finish my dream project, it won't be possible to add starting spells without removing it from the research list.
I am thinking of giving the Master of the Way $ (sorcery random) instead of sraight S. If I incorporated the changes of Sabbath Mod(Sabbath Master/Slave fatique cost down, so no slave needed) or if this mod was to be used with one of the mods changing that (mainly Zen's spell mod, if it does this), half of the Masters would be communable. I don't think water/sorcery would be very useful, so I would have to change that pick, too. Maybe # and $ randoms (elemental and sorcery, as with S&A Celestial Masters). If I were to go with S? route, Celestial Masters would get better with Astral.
What would be useful, but not overpowering magic for Celestial Masters? I'm thinking of taking away some regular magic of CM and giving them #$ randoms (base) or #$? (S&A). This would give them very nice random power. Is Air important for base Tien Chi, thematically or gameplay-wise? I am thinking of WWEF#$ base (Acid, Magma, Rust, ) and WWAF#$? for S&A (Acid and lots of general power for CM, possibility for Air 3, changing E to A to keep Mot5E only sure Magma Bolters). I would probably calculate the cost following one of the Universal Dominions Unit Pricing Theories the scientific minds threw around here some time ago.
I would like to get this playtested after I put this together. Any #dominions regulars in here? Would you care to Blitz with possibly unbalanced Tien Chi? Should I make a poll out of this to get opinion of more forumites?