Two completely separate questions, sorry.
1. How does MR work? I know how Att/Def and Str/Prot work, but when a unit is the target of a spell for which "MR negates", what is the MR checked against and what dice are rolled? Sorry if this is a pretty basic question but I don't know how much MR is proof against which mages. (I have a nasty suspicion that this is an RTFM question but I can't find it so far.)
2. I've got to the point where I can win SP games easily because the AI doesn't ally against me. I can either win by waiting patiently for SCs, which it doesn't deal with very well, or simply by recruiting and managing conventional troops better than it, or by crushing it with battlemages and globals. So I'm looking for a challenge, along the lines of The Power Of The Eye scenario, where AI nations start off allied (in pairs in the first instance, though I'll increase the challenge later ....). Before I do this myself by editing map files, has anyone done such a thing already? I know Gandalf produces random maps, which are fascinating but don't solve the basic AI problem (they kill each other and I win). If anyone has produced map files specifically orientated towards SP, please point me towards them.
Many thanks in advance,
There will be poor always, pathetically struggling - look at the good things you've got ...
-- from "Jesus Christ Superstar"