Norlion said:
Yes I am volunteering if someone walks me through the process.
I am not entirely sure what you wanted walking through, so here is an info dump.
Load the Map Editor with the mod you are making the map for (B5, SW, ST, whatever). Do NOT do so in the stock game, as your map will NOT work in any of these mods if you do. Set Path.txt or use the Mod Launcher in the same manner that you do to load the mods themselves. In the Mod Launcher, select Edit Maps instead of Load Game (or Mod, forget the button name). Using the map editor is fairly straightforward, though very tedious.
To take screenshots, have the SE4 window in focus, then hit "alt + printscreen." This copies the current state of the active window into the clipboard as a bitmap image. Open some graphics program, such as MS Paint. Hit "ctrl + v" to paste the image. Save it as some sort of compressed image format, such as jpg or png. If all you have is Paint, you might want to get (free)
IrfanView. You can save your image as a bitmap in Paint, then use IrfanView to convert it to JPG or PNG. It has far superior compression algorithms than MS Paint, resulting in less distortion and color loss (for JPG; PNG has no color loss if you save as 24+ bit).
After you have your image, you will need to upload it somewhere. You can upload them directly to posts here, or use a service such as
Image Shack to not overload Shrapnel if you are going to be making a large number of screenshots. Once you have the image loaded somewhere on the net, you can include it in a post by using the img UBB tags. There is an "Instant UBB Code" section beneath the post text field that makes this easy to accomplish. Note that this is not available with the Quick Reply form. You have to click on the Reply link near the top of the page. Make sure to use the Post Preview function to verify that all is in working order.