Kevin_Raven said:
everyone keeps saying that humans are remarkably resilient and have a good ability to adapt to new situations, but really, we don't have any benchmarks to compare the human race to, making it hard to describe any defining characteristics of the human race. Perhaps our adaptability, or some other trait that seems unremarkable to us would be a useful resource for an alien species, or perhaps humans are a thoroughly dull and useless race... at any rate, I'd imagine that it would be a lot easier and more effective for alien civilizations to simply establish trading bases on earth and use it as a resupply area than to wipe out the entire planet and start over. When you consider hideous invading alien monster-race, it's hard to imagine a good motivation for wanting to destroy the earth.
Meh I'll post the more polite version- craps and giggles-
Seriously though the reasons you would invade Earth could by myriad afterall we humans don't often have reasons for attacking one another look at WWII and Nam did Hitler have a good reason for starting WWII other then he was an ***........no did we have a good reason to go to Nam........uh not really unless you listen to the line about "Communists outnumber us and we have to limit that" but they still outnumber us anyway and the idiot politicians ran the war and screwed it up lol (AND NO FREAKIN comments about "Don't Forget Bush" because that's damn irritating people act like he did it alone heh when in fact the president can't take a crap without a hundred people giving permission lol)
Anyway it is easy to note the abilities of the human race afterall we are HUMAN and we watch our own history just study history and you'll found out humans are adaptable and resiliant and able to cope with a LOT of things that we never thought we'd be able to until the situation hits us