JaM said:
So you think that +33 heat armor will be not enough? Even if this type of armor was such perfect against missiles, tank HEAT rounds will crush it,so we need some value wich will represent SLAT.
This is directed to Plasma, but I will state my opinion anyway.
IMHO a HEAT armour of 33 is what simulates this system best within the game engine. Most systems more modern than the PG-7 and 7V will have have higher pen. Some smaller of the modern systems like SARPAC will get fragged by this though...
My opinion of the slat armour is that its a stopgap measure performing its intended purpose, defending against older RPG warheads. If the Stryker brigade would be used against a better equipped foe I think they'd ditch the birdcages, it wouldn't be worth the mobility loss.