Gargoyle said:
NTJedi said:
I've seen Ermor stack as many as 1,700 troops on a single province and in most games he usually does not cast any domes for protection even for his capital. 
The mass building of armies is good... yet the AI never launches these units into battle after building them. It's attacks are usually insignificant during late game.
That's not the only unusual tactic Ermor does... for some reason Ermor does not research blood magic ! During one game Ermor sky-rocketed on research which is EXTREMELY rare to see and then leveled off on the graph much sooner then myself when researching was finished.
During this game Ermor was bringing in 10 death gems a turn at this capital yet even with research maxed out he never casted Ghost_Riders. Thus one reason I don't use this spell against computer opponents.
On the Cradle map I own port provinces that connect to Ermor ports that have huge armies. It really makes me have to keep larges defensive armies at the these ports. Now if I am to act upon your findings I could stop garrisoning against an attack that will never come. But when I play against an AI in any game I stay away from exploiting it in this way. I react to it as if it may make a move a human would make. Basically I give it more respect than it deserves but in the end it makes for a better game.
Playing defensively can bring a good game when facing computer opponents. Lately I've been editing the map files and allowing each computer opponent to start with extra magic sites(especially nature) on their capital and starting them with the "Ivy King" and "Forest Dome" spell. This provides a better game challenge and the Ivy Kings they summon help prevent starvation in armies.