No bug. As part of our training we practiced scenarios involving all types of equipment. While rare, there was a small possibility we could have faced these if the war dragged on and attrition began to set in. My main reason though for adding them into the campaign was just to add variety.
Also, since we were still equipped with M60's at that time (actualy were until after June 1987) it would be hardly fair for the player to have to face hoards of T80's and T72's.
Ahh. I see. Well, that makes sense, althrough i disagree with your opinion that that replacing T-10 with T-64s / T-80s / T-72s would be unfair. Sure, they are better armored & armed, but M-60TTS have thermal sights, wich, (at least in game) gives them great advantage over any russian tank. And their 105 mm guns and FCS works good enough against any opponent of the era

. [Of course if you got the mortars to smoke the area]
[ Besides, battles should never be fair. In real life, if a battle is fair, it usually means that commander of one of the sides failed to do his job properly

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IMO, in campaign, russians should be starting with top-of-the line equipment, and older tanks should appera in later battles, as B & C category units are brought to battlefield.
Anyway, good work, man. I really enjoy playing that campaign. [Althrough it is a bit too easy for me. I've hoped tht russians will put a better fight

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