Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
Hi there, my first time playing Ermor, and I really like the idea of not having to recruit units. So, I figured i'd try either the Ashen Empire or the Soul Gate themes. After having a quick look at the summon quick-ref, I decided to try SG.
The main problem i'm having is I cannot raise corpses: i've tried with mages, (unholy) priests, my god, whatever -- the only thing I can see is a unit-order called "Call spirits", but this only nets me one unit per turn, regardless of the number of corpses available! I'm expecting that if I have 450 corpses and a powerful ____, I can raise more than 1 unit at a time...
Secondly, what's the best god-chassis to use? I've tried using the Vampire Queen but she's not spectacular. Any recommendations? I want a warrior chassis don't I?
Lastly, I couldn't find a single ermor strategy guide on the net. Anyone got any? SG or AE themes would be much appreciated!
Many thanks