parabolize said:
Thermodyne said:
parabolize said:
Imperator Fyron said:
parabolize said:
You can do a custom install with Ubuntu as well but unless you want to learn a lot from the get-go I would do the default install and install/use xfce4 desktop environment with older hardware.
I didn't see any options for a package-level setup feature when I was installing Ubuntu. But yeah, you do have to learn/know a lot to make much use of the individual package selection level.
When it asks you to hit enter type server first then hit enter (it only installs the base meta package that way).
It's not a desk top OS. It was built to run in the data center. It's more secure, and more reliable under heavy loads/long up times. But not as user friendly. FreeBSD is to desktop Nix as Windows Server 03 is to XP.
FreeBSD can be a desktop OS (I am running it on one of my computers). FreeBSD has only one down fall as a desktop OS it runs even less games then Linux (though there is linux emulation).
And many peeps run Windows server on their personal systems. You can run anything you want. But when it comes to making money, it has to be something Sue and Sam user know how to use or can be trained to run without out very much trouble.
Your not going to see freeBSD on the desktop in the business world. It's just not enterprize friendly enough to have as a main line desktop system.