new avatar
Hello, I make this avatar essentially as a test. This mod add a fungus spirit for pangea, particularly for the carrion woods theme. It is an immobile god (like the oracle and cie), with capacity in nature and death magic. His nature of fungus make him able to extract death gems from the corpse.
Id number: 2499
I have a strange bug with #restrictedgod 10, my avatar is nearly present for all nations.
I'm open to all comments.
the code:
#modname "Fungus god"
#version 1
#domversion 2.16
#description "This mod add a fungus spirit for pangea, particularly for the carrion woods theme. It is an immobile god (like the oracle and cie), with capacity in nature and death magic. Id number: 2499"
#icon "./fungus/fungus_ban.tga"
#newmonster 2499
#name "Great Fungus"
#descr "In the darkness of the old forest, the fungus are everywhere under the earth, a unique and very vast organism. When the pangi become angry and start to conjure old and dark force, they make sacrifice in number. The corpse and the blood nourrish the fungus and the magic of the rituals mark him by this channels. The suffering and the rage finally create a conscience in the vast organism. The pangi have their avenger, but not protector.
His nature of fungus make him able to extract death gems from the corpse. It generates permanently a poison cloud"
#spr1 "./fungus/images.tga"
#spr2 "./fungus/images.tga"
#ap 0
#mapmove 0
#hp 200
#prot 0
#size 6
#str 0
#enc 0
#att 0
#def 6
#prec 10
#mr 20
#mor 50
#gcost 0
#rcost 0
#gemprod 5 2
#poisoncloud 10
#poisonres 100
#itemslots 61440
#magicskill 5 1
#magicskill 6 1
#pathcost 40
#startdom 4
#restrictedgod 10
(sorry if my english is incorrect, it isn't my birth language)