il translate my above post...
I thought I would keep out of this topic for a while, but im coming back!
I like internet explorer, I personally have security settings set to high, and I have never had one single problem.
A lot of people on so many diffrent forums complain about IE being bad, but if you ask why do YOU not like it, hardly anyone actually knows apart from saying the same crap like, it doesnt support CSS or Standards... as if that even affects most people!
As for spyware and everything else... come on! if firefox got a 99% share of the market, do people really think that people will not start to hack that instead of IE?
see ya all later!
anyway about your last post, you keep saying all this, but since post number one I made, I just do not agree and you keep going around in circles.
I would now like to ask you a question.
How does IE not supporting W3C actually affect you, and why is that actually bad?
If you do not like IE, it is simple, use Firefox and stop all the complaints!
And a little correction to one of my earlier posts where I said about why I do not program for w3c...
As far as I think, I simply create webpages, I want a big target, I program how I have been doing for years and like to do it the best, I program and make sure it is compatible with IE because then I know that nearly all of my customers will be able to see it, I then have a look from mozilla and some other browsers to see if the site works, and 99% of the time it does, or I make a couple of changes, I do not go out of my way to make changes though.
I want a new standard called IES (internet explorer standard) for sites that are compatible with IE, other browsers can live up to it if they want, but to date it is the largest standard with many websites supporting it!
According to Alexa results of websites most visited, the top ones are (in order):
According to the w3c validator site, NOT ONE site is valid! and yet each site works perfectly in IE.
Please can you give a few reasons if you had to write a letter to the Director/CEO's of these companies as to why they should go to these standards whilst there website works on every browser that they want it to?
It makes no sense to me why anyone should use a standard that does not actually improve anything and using does not give any improvements apart from being able to say I am W3C compliant, and if a site can work 100% fine in all browsers without using it.
If IE came out tommorow and was W3C compliant, I can not see a reason why everyone would start using it.