Satelittes and Weapon Platforms Designs
Here is a strategy hint to consider:
Late in the game, Satellites and Weapon Platforms will have a hard time hitting ships with high defense (ship and fleet training/experience, ECMs, racial modifiers, scattering armor, stealth armor, cultural modifiers, hull size). They just do not have the means of increasing their to hit enough to compensate. Even the -30 of a Wave Motion gun will not be enough to compensate. For that reason, I would recommend that you only put missles or point defenses on these units.
Also, ships attacking planets can hang back at max range and plug away because they can hit fine from there (Combat Sensors III, Fleet Exp, Ship Exp, Racial Modifiers, Cultural Modifiers).
This is less of a problem for fighters because fighters have an inherent +50 to hit and can be added to fleets to at least gain fleet experience. Fighters can also close to point blank range which helps.