Yes, well it's somehwat a bit silly to always assume that the weapon of choice can reach into the next hex, but that is how the game is designed it seems. It seems a stronger case could be made that the unit isn't always on the edge of two different hexes, and thereby shouldn't always be abel to pull that off. Also, since you don't throw smokepots in particular, even if you can reachinto the next hex with them, then the next turn should see them in that same hex, since they had to enter it to lay it down.
Figure this one out. Apparently the game plays to where the unit is on all six edges at the same time. How do I know that? Because the unit can use the range 1 weapon on any of those 6 bordering hexes. Apparently, the unit is in all six places at once but is never in the middle, which of course if it were would dis-allow the use of smokepots into other hexes, assuming there were smokepots. Foe some reason I always believed the unit was in the middle, and since some of the range 1 weapons are thrown beyond the mid-point of a hex, then they made it range 1 for that reason, but at the same time I knew they made it range 1 also for the sake of saying the unit was at the edge possibly. In reality, the only way it plays that makes any sense, is you have all the guys in the unit spread out throughout the hex, with at least all six edges covered. With that in mind if they went down to less than six men then apparently they shouldn't be able to use range 1 weapons on all 6 hexes therefore, but then I'm sure the game didn't get that technical about it. I guess that's roughly handled by units losing so many men that a point comes where all weapons aren't useable (unless a specific weapon is selected by the user for an attack).
I think I hurt my brain with all that thinking