Turn 55
Success on every front: Devasura kicked Vanheim's sieging force off T'ien Ch'i's fort, but the defenders of the Ramparts were dismayed to find that these new troops merely resumed the siege where the Vanheim army left off.
Bishen took T'ien Ch'i's province with only 2 losses. Below is a shot of the melee which shows one of my Yavanas aging particularly rapidly due to one of T'ien Ch'i's mages casting a spell to Decay his flesh. Of course, this spell was much less effective on a celestial being than on a fully mortal being: the individual aged 60 years over the course of the battle due to this enchantment, but celestials are long-lived, so this attack merely took him from young manhood (114) to maturity (174), which is well short of old age (300).
Vanheim's god is on the move - a massive titan with a huge golden shield. Balakrit witnessed him putting T'ien Ch'i's forces to flight. Unfortunately he is in an adjacent province to the forest ramparts I just attacked, so I may be a potential target next turn. For this reason I will hold off of storming the fort for a month, until I see what his movements will be.
Bishen is advancing towards the T'ien Ch'i capital; one of the Yakshas is bringing up a defensive force to protect the border in case of counter-attacks.
I think next month I will alchemize gems to produce more astral pearls, so that I can perform this ritual to call a Devata. I had to forge a Starshine Skullcap for myself, to increase my ability in astral magic, because the ritual involves a high degree of familiarity with astral magic (level 5).