Re: OT: Any idea where I can find Stars! resources
Since many here seem to know and love Stars! I'll just ask my questions here!
<i>1. Factories and Mines: What are their respective purposes? I presume that Mines mine Ironium, Boranium and Germanium from the surface of a planet? Factories?</i>
yup, mines pull minerals out of the ground, you can only operate as many mines as your race's population settiungs allow, but you can build as many as you want up to that planets limits. Factories are the same only they generate additional resources instead of minerals.
<i>2. Resources: What are they, how are they generated and what are they used for?</i>
Resources are your population working, curency or credit, it builds stuff and you can allocate a portion of it to research. Part of your resources are generated by your population, most are generated by factories. You can see how much either will generate by looking at your race file.
<i>3. Minerals: Planets each have a certain concentration of the various minerals, but are these minerals ever depleted by mining, or is it like in SEIV where mineral miners, etc do not actually deplete the planet's supply of whichever mineral?</i>
The higher a concentration(the diamond on the mineral graph) the more of each mining will pull up, minerals do deplete over time. The solid bar represents how much of that mineral you have currently. The genesis device will reset a planets mineral concentrations randomly once they are depleted(if you chase down the mysterious trader that is)