Re: SE V demo Interface
First impressions of SEVdemo:
What i liked:
- The need to survey new systems (i simply found kind of strange in SEIV that your scouts scanned instantly all the system, with all the data of every planet and so on)...
- The 3D view... i know that a lot of people are complaining about it, and the difficulties of managing the view, but i found it not so hard and i think it gives a more epic feel to the game (this donīt mean that the interface should not be improved, as there is room for a lot of improvements in the UI)...
- The tactical combat, both in space and ground combat, and the moddeling of units in combat individually instead of stacks (one of my main gripes in SEIV).
- The way that research is handled, i find it much more realistic, and easier to manage than SEIV scheme.
What i didnīt like:
- Vehicle Design, i find the interface too clunky, with too much unecessary clicking, and i can see at least 2 improvements in the UI that would be simple and reduce a lot of clicking (see in suggestions below).
- Empire flags: even when small they obscure too much, while they are bearable in the 3D view, they are horrible in the 2D view, obscuring the planets nearly completely.
- Events display, maybe itīs only me, but i found the SEIV event display much more advanced, and i think the SEV events are too huge screen wise.
- In Vehicle Design, when viewing a component, eliminate the need for the player to click the "Close" button to close the information of the component, allow the player to simply click the information screen again to close it. This should be applied to all static screens, i.e. all screens that the player donīt need to choose anything...
- In Vehicle Design, when you choose a component to put in a design, keep the mouse with that component after putting the first one in the design, only changing the component when the player chooses another one in the component list, this would make putting multiple components of the same type quicker.
- Events Display: reduce the size of each event, maybe with smaller icons, as the icons and not the message is what is occupying most of the screen.
Iīm still playing around the demo (didnīt reach the turn limit yet) and will probably have more commentaries, but for now the major problem is the UI and not the game itself, aasiīm finding a much more advanced game than SEIV, but with a worse UI, as the majority of the people are finding too.
Just to add my 0,02 cents...
Currently Playing:
Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)