September 19th, 2006, 10:54 PM
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Re: SE:V Poll
Artaud said:
Barnacle Bill said:
I think the "fog of war" on the system map is a great improvement to the operational level, and if the system size really can be modded to be significantly larger then there is a potential for a real search phase of naval battles (with an important role for fast cheap recon units, etc..).
I like the "fog of war" as well, but I think it will make SE a smaller, slower game. You'll spend more time exploring each and every individual system, and/or researching sensors, and less time expanding.
I like building ships and doing long-range exploring, not hitting the turn-finished button over and over until I research decent sensors, or sending a ship to explore every hex of a system just in case an optimal planet is there.
I think some have said you can turn off the fog of war feature by modding. It should be an option when you start the game, as is the case with most computer games I've seen that have FOW.
And bigger systems--no, I don't want this. The way it is now, when you zoom out to see the entire system, the planets look horrible and your ships look like ants, when you can see them at all.
I know it's not "realistic" to have ships that appear to be half the size of planets, but this is a game, after all. What's the point of building a navy if you can't watch your ships pass through the system?
Ultimately, it's Aaron's game, and his decision about what direction he wants to take it, so I wish him luck.
I'm still "wait and see" about SEV, but from what I've seen so far maybe this new direction for the SE franchise is not for me.
I like the fog of war
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