Re: Few questions about finding items after battle
Solaris' magic items:
All items say they cost 25 Fire Gems to produce!
Sun Sword (Single Handed), Dmg: 15 (x3 vs undead/demon), Att: 3, Def: 3, Len: 3
This is the holy sword of Solaris. It will bless its wielder with holy rage and unleash fire upon its enemies in close combat. (Blessed, Beserk)
Sun Shield Prot: 25, Def: -2, Parry: 8, Enc: 2
This is the holy shield of Solaris, It partially protects him from fire and lightening. (50 in both cases)
Sun Helmet Prot: 24, Def: 0, Enc: 0
This is the holy helmet of Solaris. It protects him from magic.
Sun Armor Prot: 24, Def -5, Enc 5
This is the holy armor of Solaris. It shines with the brilliance of the Sun and only the bravest of men will dare strike its wearer. (Awe +2)
You can tell which independents have Solaris as they have a strange name (which I've forgotten), but they are cavalry with goldy coloured bits!