Aquilaeian_AI_General.txt has a typo:
Race Opt 2 Num Characteristics should be 11. The 4th and 5th characteristic are both numbered 4, so the 5th thru 11th should be renumbered.
At some point, the Ork .emp files changed name formats; if you used the beta updates, you have duplicate files named "Ork_2000" and "Ork 2000", etc.
As most people already know, there is a bug/feature which cause problems with random race picking: SEIV does not allow a race to have several advanced traits with combined points exceeding the race set-up limit, even if you make up deficit buy reducing race traits.
I'm not certain this is an accurate description of the "bug". It was stated in another thread that the random empires are chosen from the .emp folder; it appears the race settings from AI_General files aren't used there. It isn't clear to me where the race options
are used; the Quick Start page looks at the AI_General files, but Quick Start is always a 2000 point game. Race Options 2 and 3 are never called by the software, AFAICT.
I went through and checked all the .emp files via Add Existing to a 5000 point start. Every ModPack race spent exactly as many points as labelled; all the original races that haven't been modified for the ModPack only have 2000 point Versions.
Cap'n Q
My first SE IV mod!
Hypermaze quadrant
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the
human mind to correlate all of its contents. We live on a placid
island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was
not meant that we should go far. -- HP Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"
[This message has been edited by capnq (edited 15 November 2001).]