Re: OT: Al Ahram
well, i dont have a personal opinion on the topic, i'm not religious, and im an ill-bred mut with no particular cultural heritage. but i WILL play devil's advocate.
The Persians fell to Alexander. Constantinople fell to the Turks. The Iberian Pinensula fell to Mohamadeans which were in turn pushed out by the Spaniards who continued to purge them for the next hunderd years through an inquisition. The Ottoman empire was carved up by Allied powers after WWI. currently one of the largest sources of instability in Europe is continued friction between Islamics and Christians.
If any two groups of people could be said to be "enemies" through the entirety of their history, it would be Western Europe and the Middle East. Even the French and English made ammends. Even the Brittons and Saxons... bred each other out... you get the idea.
So there you go. Refute it. Convince me of the universal brotherhood of man.
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)