MP Alliances functionality?
I believe we've addressed this before, but I can't recall the thread or its outcome:
Is there any possibility of tossing in a very basic MP allied victory functionality? I'd think it'd be so simple to implement -- a simple flag that toggles when two players send/agree to an alliance which totals their provinces/research/victory points into a single sum when checking for a win. If there are multiple flags between players, add all together for the determining factor.
Granted, that will require some player-regulation as quick alliances will lead to quick victories (esp. if capitals count as victory points) but even then, I think the option is better than not having it at all. I'm not asking for any SP enhancements like letting the comp ally. But it just seems strange to me that that functionality isn't there for Dominions. I recognize it's not completely thematic and perhaps that's the final answer, but I think the theme could be slightly twisted (ascension as a slightly weaker pantheon) in order to make room for a type of gameplay that players very much want in the game.