Re: Broken Nations
I think LE R'lyeh is very good at what it does (irritate neighbors with Dominion, stock up on cheap units, offer most of the same advantages of ME R'lyeh) but the insanity on your own commanders can be very offputting and LE has a number of amphibious nations that, in my opinion, are -very- dangerous to R'lyeh if they decide they want to compete for the waters -- after all, I think a double-blessed Atlantis/Mictlan horde coming into the water is going to make life -extremely- ugly for R'lyeh even if they've recruited scads of dreaming fodder along the way. Let's also just say that I prefer the (amphibious!) sacreds those two nations can buy multiples of -every turn- a great deal more than I do the sacreds that R'lyeh MIGHT be able to spawn through the Gate every few turns if they're lucky.
I love R'lyeh. I'm a huge enthusiast and think the Dreamlands theme is fun. But calling it broken is, I think, overstating the case.