Newbie questions
Water provinces: Whats the way to attack them. Do all sides have access to water moving heroes. Are there such things as underwater races which even having boats doesn't mean you can't attack them? Also what is the implication of a race that can't send its main guys on land.
Supply for troops: It says that forts transfer supply to your armies from nearbye provinces. Whats the radius of this and what happens when there is more then one army that needs supply.
What happens when 2 forts share an adjacent province as far as that provinces resources are concerned. Can one of them use all of it if the other is inactive or do they each get half.
In the hall of fame my hero showed as only having 1 kill. I put him in the front of the army on attack(minotaur lord)but he never got another kill. Any ideas on how that works.
What determines siege length?
Is there a population cap and is it the same for each province.
Thanks in advance if you have some answers to these.