Sure I did test it and it works fine under XP !
There's even a nice log file to knwo what happened
About my request to change the path I've found where the script should be changed, in the Backup variable definition, but ain't sure about how to type those "\" or "/" according to this language conventions and with possible OSes incompatibilities... so I let you do it !
As for pbem there are in fact two different needs :
A simple player has to send its 2h file but doesn't "host" as such, and there's no means to detect if he wants to really end the turn and send it or if he would like to send it later... Plus there's only 1 simple mail with the .2h file to send to the hosting player. Maybe a small tool can help, but not much,as anyway the player has to make an action.
I was rather thinking of something for the hoster, who has to send all .trn files (+ ftherland , some don't but it makes a backup indeed !) to all of the players.
Some even make separate emails for each player with each turn file attached !
Here a tool would be great, and it could be easily automated to follow the hosting.
Make it in Python, Ruby, or whatever snake species or gem type you want, it'll be great anyway !
And what did reply your husband for the kiss btw ? ..