Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately
Not a bad movie visually but one very weak plot. Whoever directed this movie knew what he was doing as there were some very well done visuals. The plot was so thin that it made Tom Cruise look stupid. There was one line by L. Fishburn (sp) that I truely loved though... "I would bleed on the flag to keep the stripes red."
I mentioned this movie before but wanted to bring it up again as it is truly one of the best movies I have seen in years. Read the reviews of this movie on
Thank You For Smoking
Simpmly one of the more brillant dark humor dramas I have seen in a while. A delightfully clever movie based upon a best selling book. MOD were funny and could be a movie in their own right. I enjoyed this movie and intend to buy the DVD when I can aford it.
Lucky Number Sleven
An interesting revenge flick with some long sequences that could put even the most hyperactive kid to sleep. I think this was a short story at some point. The movie isn't bad but does have some very slow moments. Over all I think they didn't know what direction to take this movie in, is it a dark comedy or a serious revenge flick...
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