Re: SE5 bad reviews and problems.
Yimboli, let me explain.
I've been posting here, off and on, since October of 2000, I know how the mindset works, and I've known some of these guys, on a forum level, for years.
The folks here are good people, one and all. But there is a dedication to the game that borders on fanaticism. And a level of support for Aaron that is truly impressive. These people really believe in Aaron like a holy roller believes in Jesus.
This makes them somewhat ambivalent about criticism. There is a natural tendency to leap to the defense of the game. And because I was an SE4 grognard, there is perhaps a tendency to see it as a betrayal when I criticise the game.
So that's what's up with the alleged hostility. It's not really hostility, it just seems that way. Don't let it bother you.
I commented that the interface sucked so badly, and was so click-intensive, that I'd had to break off doing the turorial because my right wrist started hurting. And you know what? I haven't played the damn thing since.
And really all I've said since then was the same thing.
It may be a great game. I'm not going to find out as long as the interface sucks as badly as it does. I can't be bothered.
capnq and I have gotten a great game of SE4 going at PBW, (which you apparently can't do with SE5).
And so my present attitude toward SE5 is summed up by Rhett's classic line to Scarlett, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Oh yeah, and I still think Aaron really stepped on his **** by going with SF. I cannot escape the nagging suspicion that SE5 would be a better game, and a better successor to SE4, had it come to fruition under the auspices of Shrapnel.