AI doesn\'t follow orders ?
Got a problem with the AI. I've a F9S5 pretender that I script like this :
- Cast offensive spell(s) which needs gems (i.e. Flame Storm).
- Cast returning.
The goal is to teleport him in an enemy province where there's an army, slaughter some troops and bring him back home.
But that moron doesn't seem able to follow those simple orders. He has the gems, but :
- If the army is too weak, he doesn't even cast the flame storm, he just casts spells like astral shield, and casts the returning spell. Complete waste of gems.
- If he casts the Flame Storm and the enemy army is routing, well, it's worse because he doesn't cast the returning spell and plays the sitting duck behind enemy lines.
OK, I think usually It's smart to spare gems if the enemy is too weak or routing, but here... Any way to force him executing his scripted orders without being too smart ?