Very nice AAR Tyrant, as always.
I enjoy your writing style. Out of respect for it I will not dispute what you said paragraphs by paragraph, although I could.
Sufficient to say is that I stand by my version of the events, it is 100% true. Yomi has confirmed it as well. Until you had attacked Yomi there was no talk about you whatsoever between me and Yomi, so there were no global conspiracy against you. And, as I said earlier, it was Yomi's request that we fight 1 vs 1 war, he asked me it himself, and I seconded it in my letter to you, which you have promptly ignored.
In other words, you have brought your doom upon yourself by your own actions, when you attacked Yomi hoping to get some easy picking while they fight me. Think about it - why would possibly Yomi, who had large army and who was fighting me, all of the sudden went after you, leaving his few remaining provinces to me without fight, if not for your actions? It doesn't make any sense. I've described events of the past accurately in my post, and Yomi has confirmed it. Dead people do not lie.
Sorry, my respected rival, but that's the way it is. Prior to your sudden attack on Yomi, in my exchange with Yomi your nation wasn't even mentioned once. You can have my word on it.
I understand that you are disappointed that your plans have backfired on you in such a way, I would be too if I would be in your shoes.
Lord of Tien Chi Empire
P.S. In any case, frankly all this doesn't matter much for our current situation and for the balance of power in our world. I am not trying to pursue Sky Lord - he has already made his choice, and he has chosen wisely, relying on his own scouts rather than on my, yours or Helheim's words.
I also think Sky Lord cares much more about who represents larger treat to the world and who is the most powerful, than who has the moral right. If so, his choice is a prudent one. Other nations, who do not even have border with us, probably care even less about this old and remote war, but they all care very much about power and threat to their freedom.
Nevertheless I just wanted to set the record straight as far as what happened and why, in the interest of future historians and sages.