Graeme Dice said:
Please don't change this. I never want to fight a battle outside a castle. You will almost always be better off breaking siege the next turn.
I don't see how you come up with that. If you allow the enemy to seize the province before breaking the siege the next turn you:
lose 2 turns of troop recruitment (one turn will be wiped by the invader, one turn you won't control the provicne)
lose 1 turn of commander recruitment
lose 1 turn of province income
Allow your opponent 1 turn of province income (2 if he cranks the tax)
lose all your PD
lose one turn of army activity
lose the backing of your PD during the battle
risk tax or pillage damage to your province
lose travel through the province - and castles tend to be in important locations
lose the ability to reinforce your sieged army, while he can bring up reinforcements and have them join in the siege.
The only benefit is one more turn of summoning/forging. The only time you'd be better off breaking is if you're facing an army so strong that all your nearby armies, backed by your PD, will lose to his army, but you *can* beat him next turn with what you magic up in that castle the next turn. That's a pretty unusual situation. Unless you're holding back gems (generally a bad idea) I don't see how that's going to happen.