Cliche Mod idea
Features of Cliche Mod:
- all vanilla nations gone
- new, exciting races: orcs, humans, dwarves, blood elves, grey elves, wood elves, dark elves, deep elves, high elves, pork elves, sea elves.
- hp of all units raised by 20
- hp of commanders raised by 50
- hp of heroes rised by 100
- a set of scripts for backing up savegames. With GUI.
- Experience for each battle with independents raised x5. Independents drop magic item more often.
- halved cost of mages
- Gateway is now level0 spell, to comfort people missing Town Portal
- Old magic schools gone.
- New magic shools: Buff, Direct Damage, Debuff, Summoning
- New commander classes: Tank, Puller, Cleric, Mage(Duel), Mage(creeper)
- raygun
- Pretenders no longer lose magic paths when called back
- Ritual of Rebirth and Twiceborn now level0 spells.
- army upkeep costs removed
- in-game aliances mechanic
- new (allied) victory condition: defeat all independents
- all Broad Swords replaced with Katanas
- All races get some kind of recruitable dragons: golden, silver, red, black etc.
- interactive combat (hey ! With reverse engineering,everything is possible !)
- All units who didn't originally have a sword of some kind, get a short sword now. Exception: mages and clerics. Daggers removed from the game, no one ever uses them anyway. All bows replaced with crossbows.
- all armor upgraded to plate armor
I realized it would please a lot of people, so I compiled a list of ideas for your convenience. Someone should mod it. Most of it should be possible now. Any comments ?
Those who do not understand Master Of Magic are condemned to reinvent it - badly.