Re: Cliche Mod idea
Oh and we need the politically correct button to turn off all the "religiousity", so as not not offend anyone. Not to mention, the violence and sexuality. Instead of swords and crossbows, armies will now be equipped with Nerf-bats and super-soakers filled with undead-and-demon-melting Kool-aid. They'll be stylin' in armor designed by Armani and Cheryl Teague. I like valkyries who where Abercrombie and Fitch. Imagine the endorsement possibilities!
And on that note: sure, people used to worship the Great Earth Mother as is, but that icon is old, and I mean cave-man-days. In the year 2006, we need a slimmer, more debonair earth-mom-on-the-go. Modern mom can still crush an army while fitting into a bikini, especially if she's wearing power pumps and driving an SUV.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!