The (almost) unkillable angel
OK, i was retesting the national angel summons and was trying out a solo angel of fury(see his equipment in attachments). After conquering half of the silent seas map without being hurt once i decided to give him a slightly bigger challenge:
First he hit into 80 marignon pd and slaughtered it without getting hurt, then he did the exact same with 125 marignon pd(both of these while cursed). After that i just wanted him dead so 2 paladins, 125pd and 100 halberdiers fought him and still lost without him getting scratched. Finally i got very bored so i summoned a load of fire snakes and summer lions and 5 great eagles, got 135 greatswordsmen all led by a harbinger and set him to patrol in a 125pd province. The angel lost and you can hopefully see the results(and angels equipment+the army that killed him) in the attachment.