I was just thinking (which usually is what gets me in trouble), and had a thought that, while appealing to micromanagers, but not to the point where it clutters the game up by any means, one might possibly add one other type of building, the Forge. Thematically, a Forge is very different from a Temple or a Lab, and mythologically it's a vital, central element. I'm thinking that this would allow leftover resources to be converted to gold, or gold to resources in the province that it's built (this would definitely help some nations like EA Atlantis). It would also allow greater diversity as to soldiers' equipment. For instance, with Niefelheim, a Niefel giant comes equipped with an axe, a shield, and leather armor. With a Forge, a Niefel soldier could be created who was armed with a flail or a spear or a greatsword, and scale or plate armor. Naturally, these unit improvements would cost double the normal resource price for identical equipment for an "off-the-shelf" soldier, because that nation makes that specific equipment for that unit better than it does specialty equipment. Also, some nations would have greater variety and different (better or worse) equipment selection for it's troops. Ulm would have the best equipment, but a nation with lots of diversity and trade partners, like Ermor, would have the widest range. I don't think it would be too hard to program into the game, and it would make for a lot of strategic and modding possibilities. Provinces without Forges wouldn't be able to create or transfer magic items, while ritual spells would continue to require labs. Alternate to creating a whole other system for soldiers' equipment would be that some units require a Forge to be produced, such as Living Pillars with their basalt armor or a Niefel giant armed with a flail. These units could still be Capital-based, while allowing tougher units to be built away from your Capital (decentralization is a fine strategy, ask the Turks who conquered Constantinople, or the Mongols for that matter). The Forge could also give provinces a bonus to gold and resources, representing trade and improved infrastructure, without having to put up a castle in the area. Ofcourse, having a castle would still be great for a province, and Forges would be more expensive than temples or labs, at 600 gold a piece (300 for Ulm).
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!