SEIV Skills Challenge Game
I've had this idea for some time to create a stock PBW game that would test SEIV skills.
Works like this:
9 players are arranged on a custom map in groups of 3. There are 3 colonizable systems for each player. The object of the game is to make it to the 'scoring systems' in the center of the map. To get there, several Challenge systems lie between the colonies and the center. Whoever colonizes the most points planets in the center scoring systems wins!
Stock game, but with a customized map.
Nick (bearclaw)
You don't know the Power of the Dark Side. I must obey my Master.
Potestatem obscuri lateris nescitis
A+ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr- C+ Csp Sf* AuO M++ MpTFdAM St RTNH Pw++ Fq++ Nd++ Rp++ G++ Mm++ Bb++ L+ Tcp-