Cursed World.
Great misfortune has influenced the very essence of the world.
There is yet a battle atlantis has to win from Oceania but our forces are getting weak, despite there unequalled battle moral and training. Another battles like thise and im on the loosing side.
The trading whit Yomi has only resulted in 6 odd thisstle maces while our forces are starving for brott. And so the final attack on atalantis is delayed.
In the north, Agartha main force is very succesfull in ignoring the Caelum victory location and making it harder for me to lunach a invasion on Caelum.
And that while a few monkeys are sieging the Agartha's castle. Witch kinda sums everything up they have now.
And for some odd reason, the new ruler of Ermor (The one who released the slaves and onrdered them to burn everything) has paid a stunning 28 gold pieces for "The Fishmen" mercenaries. Thise is truthly a bad omen. Soon the superior mental and reasoning capebileties of fishmen can be used against us!
Can the situation for Oceania get any worser?
Im willing to blame Jurri's huge dominion of misfortue witch started to affect the fate of thise cursed world.
-Vukan Prophet of Oceania, in name of Migaares.