Bringing Back the Super Combatant
I'm going to be creating a mod which takes several of the more suitable Pretenders and adds to their ability to fight in a Dom3 environment. Price will be scaled higher to compensate for reasons of balance, but the payoff will be surviveable Pretender-class SCs and hopefully new strategies and fun.
Basically what I'm going to do is take whatever combat qualities the Pretenders I'm going to modify have already, and extend them, in a realistic way. Stat numbers I'm going to leave alone unless I have a good reason to change them, but things like natural weapons, special abilities, resistances, slots, etc. will be modified where I feel it will better serve an SC Pretender.
In some cases, I may or may not have both the "vanilla" or a magic-user version of a given Pretender, alongside the modified SC version.
I'd like to get peoples' thoughts on this, if it's an exciting idea to put SCs back in the game, and any specific ideas for both modifying current Pretenders and adding new SC Pretenders.
So far I don't have a complete list of the Pretenders I'll be modifying, but the partial list (and some ideas) includes:
Destroyer of Worlds-2 extra arms, retouched image, possibly heals afflictions.
Scorpion King-adding armor slot, 1 extra pincer attack, darkvision, heals afflictions.
Wyrm-heals afflictions, extra head (or more), poison breath attack
Ancient Kraken-regeneration 5%, 2 extra attacks, extra misc slot.
Carrion Dragon-immortal, 5% regeneration.
Dagon-not sure yet, possibly 2 extra arms and a retouched image, possibly heals afflictions.
I may possibly create a mod that has additional selections for all appropriate Pretenders wherein at a higher price you could choose an Immortal or an affliction healing version (or both) of most Pretenders.
Let me know what you think.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!