While I was compiling the lists of weapons, armor and the preliminaries on magic items, I discovered the following bugs:
- 3 Trident: 1-handed, should be 2-handed ?
- 53 Delibitative Poison: typo, should be spelled "Debilitative Poison"
- 81 Thorn Staff: 1-handed, should be 2-handed (all other staffs are)
- 83 Wave Breaker: 1-handed, should be 2-handed (item is 2-handed)
- 89 Snake Staff: 1-handed, should be 2-handed (all other staffs are)
- 94 Spear: should be bonus (nostr bonus weapon for Centaur Chariot from chariot rider)
- 96 Spear: should be bonus (nostr bonus weapon for Centaur Chariot from chariot rider)
- 119 Hammer of the Cyclops: should not be nostr ?
- 124 Ice Rod this weapon is not magic, but it should be
- 165 Great Club resource cost 0, should perhaps be 1 ?
- 195 Sword of many Colors: typo: should be written "Sword of Many Colors"
- 208 Thunder Whip: 10 an damage, shock only? Or should be 0 (max 1) + shock ?
- 223 Venomous Bite: not bonus, should be as all other bites are.
- 323 Venomous Bite: not bonus, should be as all other bites are.
- 340 Procas's Axe of Rulership: 2-handed, should be 1-handed
- 351 Pitchfork: 1-handed, should be 2-handed
- 389 Pearl Trident: 1-handed, should be 2-handed ?
- 401: Soul Death: should have "magic resistance negates", otherwise all hits from weapon #400 (Devour Soul) mean instadeath with no resistance
- 407 Fire Shuriken: loses Strong Poison ?
- 411 Small Area Stun: is NOT stun damage!!! This deals an automatic 10 points of armor negating normal damage with aoe 1, making O'al Kan's Sceptre a rather nasty tool.
- 433 Shadow Spear: rescost 0, should have rescost 1+ because is equipped on recruitable units (Shadow Vestal)
- 437 Long Spear: should be bonus (another nostr bonus weapon)
- 457 Spectral Axe: 2-handed, should be 1-handed (length 1, damage as per normal 1-handed axe)
- 459 Thrown Sutra: should have effect #460 (Stop the Dead) as per description of Master of the Dead (monster #806)
- 31 Rusty Scale mail Hauberk: should be "Rusty Scale Mail Hauberk"
- 32 Rusty Ring mail Hauberk: should be "Rusty Ring Mail Hauberk"
- 33 Rusty Chain mail Hauberk: should be "Rusty Chain Mail Hauberk"
- 76 Magic Bracers: cannot be assigned to units via mod command even when using the command #armor "armorname" correctly
- 77 Cat Charm: cannot be assigned to units via mod command even when using the command #armor "armorname" correctly
- 78 Krupp's Bracers: cannot be assigned to units via mod command even when using the command #armor "armorname" correctly
- 80 Flame Helmet: provides an extra 5 points of undefined type protection that goes to protect body as well
- 94 Gift of Kurgi: Cannot be assigned to units via mod command even when using the command #armor "armorname" correctly
The typos in the armor names with "mail" spelled without capital letters are especially important typos to fix since currently assigning units armor by if number is not possible when modding. If spelling is inconsistent, this will result in errors. The preferable solution would be to have armor assignment in mods happen by number just like weapons do. Otherwise, the typos need to be fixed.
- 99 The Sword of many Colors: typo, should be written "Sword of Many Colors"
- 106 The Sickle whose Crop is Pain: typo, should be written "The Sickle Whose Crop Is Pain"
- 279 Holger the Head: typo, in the description, "renonwed" should be "renowned"
- 314 Igor K helm's Tome: typo, should be written "Igor Khelm's Tome" + this item has no description
The item name typos are important and annoying for the same reason the armor name typos are: it is impossible to assign weapons in map files by id number and hence inconsistent spelling will screw up map files. Thus the typos need to be fixed. Preferable solution would be the capability to assign items to commanders by number.
That's the list of bugs for weapons, armor and units so far. The item bug list is very short as of yet, but I expect more will be found when I really get down to documenting them.
I also have a growing list of unit bugs, some minor, some major, some just detail work, but I'll post it when I've done most of the DB so as to get everything at once. Having some idea of the schedule of the next patch would be great so I could submit that list before it comes out and hopefully have those things fixed for it.
The thing about all of these bugs is that as long as they are reported and documented as a block, it'll take no longer than one afternoon/evening to fix.