Kalin said:
From the description, he's using Woodsman with a nature 9 bless, and water mages (Skrattis) set to cast quickness on them. This is a really effective giant setup because the giants will cross the battle way too fast for your archers do enough damage, and since they are berserked, they won't break due to morale. The giants effectively gains 2 str, 2 prot, from berserk, 1 def from quickness (3-2 from berserk), and 3 atk without touching experience. Effectively making them into powerhouses that you can't hope to compete with on even grounds.
Actually, it is even a bit worse than that ... He is indeed using woodsmen, but he is not using Skrattis at all. The quickness effect looks like it is part of the bless, so I think he got a W9N9 pretender ... the bless effect of water add a got bit of defence to the giants, making them really tough. He is just using one or two priest to spam bless ... *frowns*
Well, the goods news are that, according to the score graphs (which were kept enabled) he really really sucks in research ... but well, as it was said, the woodmens are real powerhouse ... and even if I haven't seen a single Skratti on the battle field, well ... honestly it is not as if it looks like he was really needing them.
Curse of stone looks like a great idea, but I don't seems to get the idea about the bags of winds ... I think the air elemental won't last a few seconds against a horde of giant.