Hellboy said:
Hmmm, and all I have to do is allow you to move straight through my territory so you can move forthwith to confront said nasty, evil giants right? Such a deal!
Well, sad to say I have yet to inflict a single casualty upon the Niefelscum, but given what I've seen of your cavemen, I have even less confidence in the chance of their even so much as landing a blow upon these giants!
Nah, we'll even stay on the peninsula if it'd make you feel better! (Besides, don't you need that big army sitting uselessly outside my cave fort for your own defense?) The Niefel giants originally claimed to be sailing to my aid, but their list of crimes and demands conspicuously omits Tien Chi's misdeeds against Agartha; plus, Niefelheim promised specific military aids over the past year but never made good.
Given these facts, we trust Niefel giants no more than we do Tien Chi humans... but we know by now that Tien Chi not scary, but Niefelhim pretty scary! The Emperor has two choices: let us free to recruit and fight, or soon face a war on both fronts...
And worry not, we have a few different tricks up our pale pasty sleeves in case of giants, things not worth doing on little humans but good for softening up bigger mountain giants!