New Dawn - EA Dawn of Dominions
Hey all,
A group of friends and I are putting together a Dawn of Dominions game, and decided to throw it wide open - since there's only five of us, that still leaves plenty of vacancies. This is conditional on one generous soul offering server hosting, because we don't have the time or energy to run a PBEM game.
UPDATE - Ich will host our game.
Currently, nations are as follows-
Taken - Arcoscephale (Mind Elemental), Agartha, C'tis (LeSquide), Ulm (AI)
Taken by Shrapneleers-
Oceania - Dedas
Ermor - Amhazair
Vanheim - Beefeater1980
Caelum - Ich
Marverni - Darrel
Helheim - Reverend Zombie.
Kailasa - DryaUnda
72 h quickhost
Renaming on
All else at default