wraith lords vs flaming arrows
thanks to the advice of many helpful ppl in this forum. i have some initial success in creating the following sc(?)s
1. wraith lord + fire brand + lantern shield + horror helmet + robe of invulnerability + boot of quickness + pendant of luck + ring of regeneration
2. wraith lord + fire brand + charcoal shield + spirit helmet + robe of invulnerability + boot of quickness + pendant of luck + rog
I say initial succcess because they can hold off some chokepoints only for a few turns. The AI is in fact pretty smart and send mages casting flaming arrows. My scs usually die after a handful of wins against armies of a hundred or two. When it comes to armies of 400+, they usually come with mages that cast flaming arrows.
Any solution to this? Would sending an air mage with the sc casting rain and storm helps? I am afraid my mage would get killed. Would ordering the mage to cast these two spells and then flee works? Would choosing a different shield help protecting my wraith lords against flaming arrows?