Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
That's another very helpful response. I especially appreciate you finding the numbers for the forts - I'll add it in just as you posted (I really suck at forts for my mod nations for some reason - I either forget them or enter the wrong numbers).
The penitent is sacred, disease free, flail armed and just as throwaway and swarmy as ever in v.05. I'm actually a bit suspicious of whether domsummon works the way I thought it did (does the white priest attract more than the black priest?). Maybe something to balance and alter for 0.6?
White Priests get S1 in 0.5
The national summons are a bit odd. They're not super powerful, nor are they that expensive and they don't require researching. They're more like extra units in the regular Ulm lineup that you can get (possibly via alchemy) once you have a gem income. The Sternheld has A3 S1, so he opens up a lot of magical options for Ulm (possibly a bit strong actually). They are sacred undead, so I think I'll put in the doctor's bless fix (so you can bless undead).
In 0.5 there are two priest spells - one healing at H1, one lightning bolt (sort of) at H2 - I'm not sure how balanced they are since you don't need to research them but they didn't seem awesome in testing, just a nice addition.
0.5 will be up tomorrow for sure. For now I've attached a graphic preview (also good for people who are considering trying the mod out). I've gone for a fairly unified graphic feel to the whole mod.