Ermorian Situation
Well, since Ermor decided to invade me, I'll throw my lot into the alliance.
I hereby call into order, the full smash of Ermor through magics. As many of you may have noticed, I am very capable in the research and most of the gem department. If nations pool together their astrals gems for my nation, I shall power a dispel /per/ turn to crush the Well and throw down the Soul Gate within the next two turns.
If you supply me with information regarding his mage locations, I shall target them with one to two Earth attacks PER turn.
If any locates provinces where he has non astral mages, I shall supply that location with mind hunts.
I am also able to trade herald lances/flambeaus/gate cleavers if provided the gems to create them. I guarantee, if our nations all joins together, we can crush the Ermorian menace off this map within 10-15 turns.