Scenario Database
Started this little database to make finding interesting scenarios easier for everyone - all the scenarios are in now.
version 1.0 is attached as an XLS file, which just about any serious spreadsheet program can use; from there, it's just a matter of sorting the data to bring what you'd like to the top.
It's arranged like so:
Slot No--------------Title--------------------------------Battle/Front--------------Date------------Side 1----------Side 2---------Best Played As
36---------Goering Regiment at Uman---------Eastern Front 1941---------08/02/41---------Soviet---------German---------Germans
8---------------Dickens I Hill 445 -----------------------Italy 1944-------------03/15/44---------ANZAC------German
37--------Valentine's Day Air Mail-------------Pacific Theatre 1942--------02/14/42---------Japan---------Dutch
39-------------Bloody Ridge-----------------------Guadalcanal 1942---------09/13/42---------Japan---------USMC
So if you only want to look for eastern front battles, just sort column C alphabetically, and look for the row of eastern front battles. You could then add a secondary sorting feature to sort them by "best as" to find those scenarios best played as either germans or soviets easily.