KissBlade said:
You find tungaliks' poor ...? Sure they're not Seithkona's but sacred ghost gripping frozen hearters are not that shappy in LA. I should also point out they are excellent leaders with the ability to command undead, regular troops, magical all at once. Also I find spamming LA harpoon throwers not bad and the ability to dominate waters should never be dismissed ... Angakok may have precision 8 but the nice synergy of falling frost + cold res troops and the ability to both skel spam/shadow blast is very nice. Who cares if they can't construct worth a damn, death gems can be used for oh so many things and I'm actually pretty fond of water summons now.
Angakoks are great, falling fires + skelle spam is good times, but Tungalisks? They can't cast anything of any importance except your ghost grip/frozen heart, (and frozen heart is level 6 alteration... a path not otherwise useful (except drain life which you cannot natively cast, and quickness, which comes very early). They also can't forge a damn thing either. About the only thing of importance that they can do is research and Dark Knowledge. Aside from the aforementioned Keeper of the Tombs, I challenge you to find a secondary mage from LA who is even close to as bad.
Ulm - Fortune Teller
Arcoscephale - Mystic
Man - Magister (this guy ain't that great either, but in a drain faction)
Ermor - Spectator
Marignion - Royal Navigator
Mictan - Take your pick
T'ien Ch'i - Choice of 4 better ones
Jomon - Shugenja + two main mages
Argathea - Servant of the Oracles (not amazing either, but at least it can forge and cast some national summon rituals)
Abyssa - Warlock Apprentice
Caelum - Caelian Seraph (prob the best 100-150g mage in the game, unless perhaps it's the Harab Seraph (145g, AD(AWED)
C'tis - Keeper of the Tombs (bad)
Pangaea - Black Dryad (not great, but they do get their choice of DDNNN or EENNN main mages, plus two rather weak dryads)
Midgard - Volva (A+)
Patala - Two 250g mages, plus a 160g Guru and a nice communion slave in the Yogi
R'lyeh - Star Child, Star Spawn
Only Man (drain nation), C'Tis (reanimator nation), and Pangaea (two 5 path mages, plus stronger nationals) have secondaries that are as poor as LA Atlantis. With that said, I'm a fan of these guys, especially the sailing and the amphibious nature. They can be a pretty big pain in the ***, tho I think their gimmicks are often not enough to make them a player in LA.