Re: LA Nation: Ulm Reborn - UPDATE v.085
Unfortunately you can't make a unit start off berserk. I wish you could actually, I'd use it in a couple of mods.
I tried entering morale 99 but no luck.
Black priests are useless for research in drain dominion, yes. Although they aren't generally useless because they're good priests and can produce a /lot/ of penitent if you get them in a high dom province. You also don't /have/ to take drain (although I do). It's another tough choice.
I like the idea of a white librarian/acolyte type unit. I was thinking along the same lines an update or so ago. Maybe astral 1 so you can use them for the search spell, drain immune and with ok research. Not cap only, of course. I'm rather wary of diversifying the magic because hey, this is a xenophobic priest nation.