Regarding heroes
Heroes, as they are, aren't currently heroic. They are just very skilled inviduals, having attack and/or defense even as high as 15! That's better than a Bane Lord, Wight Lord or a Demon! ...but it isn't enough. They still die, what a pity. It'd have to be even higher for the heroes to be useful.
Now, there already are few existing mechanics for improving commanders. One of them is experience. All heroes are already heroes because they have done adventuring. Thus, I suggest that all heroes start with 50 points of experience, which is enough to give them 2 stars of experience IIRC. +2 att, +2 def, +2 prec? Perhaps not enough, but IMHO it's a nod to the right direction. Comments?
P.S. I still like my idea of making Devils start with 3 stars of experience, Vanir with 1, etc instead of inhuman stats. That way, they'd be just as skilled, but the humans would get stars a bit faster, and thus the gap would be a bit smaller.